Hear me now followers of Lord Cazic!
While wondering around our great city of Cabilis, I came across a familiar face...one of Druxia, the Black Priestess. She was one of our founders, that glorious day oh so long ago. She approached me, and spoke of a vision from our Great Lord Cazic-Thule. Here is what she spoke upon to me:
"Lord Sslar, I have been away for quite some time, I have returned to you to give you this grievous message from our glorious Lord Cazic. Cazic-Thule is displeased with the direction that Slithering Darkness is headed. Many of your devout followers joined this organization under the pretense that they would bring about a new era of Iksar domination! Since the time of our formation many officers and their underlings have greatly strayed from this path by showing mercy to the light soft skins, failing to enslave the dark soft skins, failing to expand Iksar territory, and above all, ignoring the original charter of this guild, set forth by Cazic Himself!!! There is still hope for you, and many others who have angered the Great Cazic-Thule! I give on to you now a proposal to reform this once great guild, and restore its original glory! I have started a collection of followers within the guild and have recruited from without a few Iksar who share this ideal. It should be enough to start a reformationist movement within our glorious guild! If you would so have it, mighty Sslar, this movement desires your leadership, if not, you will be replaced!"
And with that, she showed me fear like I had never seen it before. I fell to my knees in revelation as waves of terror tore throughout my blasphemous body. Moments that seemed like eternity later, I arose.
Druxia, Lord Cazic has obviously gifted you with insight. Go now, and gather those who share our vision, the vision of Cazic-Thule!!!
I now command all of those loyal to Lord Cazic to heed his word! We will be going back to our original charter, and all who oppose this charter shall leave, or be removed. You are all still my brothers and sisters, but if you choose to leave, if you choose to side with those who have slaughtered us, who have invaded our home, who have dared defiled the holy places of our God, so help me, you will not stand in our way long. I pray to Cazic that his guidance shall find its way to all of your hearts, for I do not wish slay any of my kin.
- All light races, those that worship so-called 'good' gods, shall be slain on sight if possible, shown NO quarter, no mercy. Any found violating this tenant shall be warned on the first offense, exiled on the second, and hunted like the dogs that they ally with on the third.
- All dark races, those that worship so-called 'evil' gods, shall be given the opportunity to repent, and join our cause as slaves. They must prove their undying loyalty to the guild, to Cazic himself, which only I may do. If they refuse, they are to be killed for blasphemy.
- Any Iksar, regardless of station, regardless of whether they are hatchling or wurm, shall be allowed to join the cause of Cazic, if they understand our tenants and agree to them. Our brethren are NOT to be killed, save those that kill our kin, or those that have proven themselves as allies to Cazic's enemies. Any found violating this rule shall be exiled and slain until they repent.
- All of Norrath shall be claimed, all of its inhabitants enslaved or destroyed. We shall go on raids to the mainland on regular intervals, which all members who can, will attend. For the glory of Cazic, the mainlanders shall not survive.
So is the Will of Cazic, so is my Will.
Sslar Soulslaver,
Guildmaster of Slithering Darkness and Hand of Cazic-Thule
OOC- Ok all, just so there is no hard feelings or anything, this has nothing to do with any of you personally. I like everyone in the guild, and just about everyone who has left as well. However, we are a roleplaying guild, and I am going to go back to that. If you don't feel like you can level without the help of the good races in the game, then leave. To me the roleplaying and the challenge of what I set to accomplish is FAR more entertaining than leveling ever will be. And, of course, this is a roleplaying guild after all Thanks to Druxia for showing me what I have been missing.